Childcare News

The second month of winter has settled in and the cold weather is definitely upon us and with that comes the cold and flu season.

Please remember if your child is unwell (requiring one on one tension, temperatures, rashes, a constantly runny nose that is not clear) keep them home. This prevents the spread of bugs to other children, families and staff.

The school holidays ran over three weeks across Victoria and New South Wales but now that everyone is back to school we have seen our regulars return. Please tell your friends about us and remind them that we cater for occasional care and parents/carers can be off site whilst their children are kept busy with our range of educational programs.

Social Psychologist Professor, Johnathan Haidt recently spoke about how and why children have changed over the years, practically over the past twenty years.

His basic message was:

  • allow kids to have stress – short term stress in their lives – from this they learn
  • allow children to be challenged, fail, recover and learn, then you succeed– this is a healthy learning cycle
  • Children need to learn from experiences not from instruction
  • Children need to hear ‘NO’ so they learn to regulate their emotions – it prepares them for future obstacles, they learn resilience to cope with the many different situations they will encounter during their lives.
  • no social media at a young age